Quick start
Would you like to apply docker to various remote daemons, as you can for k8s? Well:
smr apply https://raw.githubusercontent.com/simplecontainer/examples/refs/heads/main/tests/minimal/definition.yaml
smr ps
smr-agent-2 (2) example busybox example-busybox-1 busybox:latest (bridge) - - running (docker) running (1m18s)
smr-agent-2 (2) example busybox example-busybox-2 busybox:latest (bridge) - - running (docker) running (1m18s)
Voila! This is a quick start tutorial for how you can do just that.
Using smrmgr
The smrmgr is bash script for management of the simplecontainer. It is used for:
- Downloading and installing client
- Starting the node in single or cluster mode
- Starting the node and joining to the existing cluster
- Various options and configuration simplified
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/simplecontainer/smr/refs/heads/main/scripts/production/smrmgr.sh -o smrmgr
chmod +x smrmgr
sudo mv smrmgr /usr/local/bin
sudo smrmgr install
Using smr
The smr is a client used to communicate to the local/external simplecontainer agents running on nodes. The smrmgr automatically downloads the client and places it under /usr/local/bin/smr
To manually install, start, and manage simplecontainer nodes download the client from the releases:
LATEST_VERSION=$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/simplecontainer/client/main/version)
curl -o client https://github.com/simplecontainer/client/releases/download/$VERSION/client-$PLATFORM
sudo mv client /usr/local/bin/smr
Explore /scripts/production/smrmgr.sh
to see how you can utilize smr client to configure and start simplecontainer nodes.
Running simplecontainer
The simplecontainer can be started in a single node mode or cluster mode.
Cluster mode
Simplecontainer can run in single and cluster mode. Cluster mode allows users to deploy Docker daemons on different hosts and connect them via simplecontainer. An overlay network is created using flannel to enable inter-host communication.
Simplecontainer uses RAFT protocol to enable distributed state using the Badger key-value store. Etcd embedded is also started in single mode and exposed to localhost only without credentials. Flannel uses only Etcd as the state store for the network configuration.
Control-plane and RAFT communication is secured using mTLS so data is encrypted even over non-secure underlying networks.
Ports exposed:
(The simplecontainer control plane)>9212/tcp
(The RAFT protocol control plane sharing state):::1443->1443/tcp
(The simplecontainer control plane ipv6)>2379/tcp
(The etcd exposed only on the localhost)
How to run it?
This scenario assumes there are two nodes(virtual machines) connected over a non-secure internet connection.
Node 1
->Points to Node 1 IP address
Node 2
->Points to Node 2 IP address
Node 1
- The smgrmgr already installed
- The docker daemon running on the Node 1
smrmgr start -a smr-agent-1 -d smr1.example.com -n node1.example.com
# Copy the content of the export
smrmgr export https://node1.example.com:1443
# Copy the decryption key
cat $HOME/smr/smr/contexts/$(smr context).key
Node 2
- The smgrmgr already installed
- The docker daemon running on the Node 2
smrmgr import {{ PASTE CONTEXT }} <<< {{ PASTE KEY }}
smr context fetch
smrmgr start -a smr-agent-2 -d smr2.example.com -n node2.example.com -j node1.example.com:1443
Afterward, the cluster is started. Badger key-value store is now distributed using RAFT protocol. Flannel will start and the agent will create a docker network named cluster.
To connect containers with cluster network in the container definition specify that you want the container to connect to the cluster network.
Single node mode
The simplecontainer can also be run as a single node without clustering enabled and additional overhead if it is not mandatory to have multiple nodes, high availability, and disaster recovery in place for the application.
The control plane can be exposed:
- On the localhost only to prevent control plane communication from being done outside localhost
- On the which means all interfaces that include all endpoints localhost or from another network.
How to run it? (Control plane exposed to all networks)
Exposing the control plane to the `` and smr.example.com
will be only valid domain for the certificate authentication (Change smr.example.com
to your domain).
smrmgr start -a smr-agent-1 -d smr.example.com
# Copy the content of the export
smr context export <<< https://smr.example.com:1443
# Copy the decryption key
cat $HOME/smr/smr/contexts/$(smr context).key
On the external machine run:
smr context import {{ PASTE CONTEXT }} <<< {{ PASTE KEY }}
Providing domain and IP address for the certificates
Domain and IP addresses are provided for the simplecontainer to generate certificates. Certificates will be valid for domains and IP addresses specified.
Another way of exposing the simplecontainer control plane is via IP address.
smrmgr start -a smr-agent-1 -d smr.example.com -i
Starting this way the certificates will be valid for the:
- Domain:
- IP address:
How to run it? (Control plane exposed to the localhost only)
Exposing the control plane only to the localhost:
smrmgr start -a smr-agent-1 -e localhost:1443
This way smr CLI can only talk to the simplecontainer via localhost.
Context is holding certificates, keys, control plane URL, and name of the agent. They are used for authentication against the simplecontainer.
The authentication is done via mTLS using certificates when simplecontainer node is started certificates are generated under ~/.ssh/simplecontainer
. Certificates for the smr CLI are bundles as .pem
file with name of the agent that is running it.
There are a few commands to help out while using smr CLI:
sm context export
smr context export <<< https://smr.example.com
This command is used for the exporting of the current context for external usage. It exports context encrypts it and saves the encryption key at $HOME/smr/smr/contexts/$(smr context).key
This can used later for importing.
Can be utilized for distributing contexts for developers or as a service account for machine authentication.
smr context import
smr context import {{exported}} <<< {{key}}
This command is used for the importing the exported context. Afterward, smr CLI can be used for communication to the external simplecontainer.
smr context switch
smr context switch
This command is used for switching the current context so you can communicate with different simplecontainer nodes.
Another form is smr context switch {{name}}
where name is the name of the agent.
smr context connect
smr context connect https://localhost:1443 $HOME/.ssh/simplecontainer/root.pem --context smr-agent-1
This command is used for connecting to the simplecontainer node when .pem
bundle is present on the local machine - this is mainly used on the localhost when starting the simplecontainer node.
Otherwise it is recommended to use context and import.
smr context
smr context
This command prints out the current context.
Next steps?
This is quick introduction into starting simplecontainer nodes in single or cluster mode.
Next steps: